Seventeen species of bat are known to breed in the UK. Some of these species are common and widespread across country, whilst others are extremely rare. Bats use a variety of structures and features for roosting including buildings, caves, trees and bridges. Roosts within buildings can be found within loft spaces, attics, cellars, cavity walls, under roof tiles, hanging tiles and within features such as boxed eaves, soffits and wooden weather-boarding. The presence of bat roosts is highly influenced by the age, structure and ecological context of a building and rural locations with direct links to habitats such as woodland and wetland are often favoured roost sites.
All species of bat are European Protected Species and are fully protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended). These pieces of legislation make it an offence to kill, injure, capture, or disturb bats, or to damage or destroy the habitats they use for shelter and protection. However, certain actions affecting bats and their habitats may be undertaken under licence from Natural England where it can be demonstrated that the conservation status of bats can be maintained and enhanced through appropriate mitigation and compensation measures.
Our ecological consultants have a wealth of experience of undertaking bat surveys particularly in association with historic buildings including churches, cathedrals, listed buildings, manor houses and palaces. We work specifically within Oxfordshire, The Cotswolds and The Chilterns and have undertaken a number of bat surveys involving the renovation and conversion of stone barns, old agricultural buildings and redundant outbuildings. We also have extensive experience of tree surveying and employ trained tree-climbers to undertake aerial inspections of tree roosts. We use the latest in bat survey equipment and employ a number of specialist survey techniques including mist netting and harp trapping.
We are keen to develop close working relationships with other ecological consultants and have forged solid contacts with Pure Ecology in Ledbury, Herefordshire with a specific aim of providing bat surveys and ecology surveys within Heredfordshire and into Wales.
The Windrush Innovation Centre, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8BA
Hexagon Business Centre, Avenue 4, Station Lane, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 4BN
Tel: 01491 822681
Tel: 01993 220273
Copyright ©2025 Windrush Ecology Ltd.