The legal protection afforded to certain species through UK and European legislation means that the presence of protected species can often represe...
read moreWindrush Ecology Ltd. specialises in Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA), which is a key part of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Our ecologi...
read moreResearch is at the heart of Windrush Ecology’s ecological services. We believe that good consultancy relies on a strong theoretical knowledge...
read moreThe Code for Sustainable Homes is a national standard for the sustainable design and construction of new homes. The Code follows from the Building ...
read moreHistoric buildings are often favoured roosting sites for bats. This can be for a number of different reasons including the presence of large roof s...
read moreRenewable energy projects have recently grown to form a significant part of our portfolio and include solar farms, hydroelectric power, single wind...
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